
皇冠控股, 金属和云顶集团mg游戏的领先制造商, 已经经营超过125年了吗. 在我们公司的历史上, we have demonstrated stewardship towards the natural environment, 我们的员工和我们经营所在的社区. We are committed to conducting our business in an environmentally responsible manner, 支持地球的长期健康, 客户的成功和我们员工的成功. Our environmental sustainability strategy aims to drive climate action throughout our value chain, 有效利用资源, 支持循环经济, 促进多元化和包容性, source responsibly and ethically and practice strict product stewardship.

Our goal is to provide products that make a positive impact on the planet. We therefore integrate responsible and proactive environmental stewardship into our processes, 程序和惯例.

To carry out sustainable business and exercise our 环境可持续发展政策, 我们承诺:

  • Work to ensure that our products and operations are safe for our 员工, 消费者与环境
  • Implement an environmental management system aimed at reducing the environmental impact of our products through their design, 制造, 分布, 使用及弃置
  • 皇冠制定了基于科学的气候目标, and will continue to take actions to reduce releases and greenhouse gas and other emissions from direct and indirect business operations and our value chain
  • Support the preservation of natural resources and energy by optimizing material use, minimizing waste (including hazardous waste) and increasing recycling. We also will partner with others who may contribute to progress in achieving our environmental goals
  • Meet or exceed the applicable environmental laws and regulations. 我们采用无害环境的做法, 遵守内部指导方针, 标准和要求, 即使在没有政府标准的情况下
  • 持续监察及评估我们的运作, 技术和程序, and monitor progress toward our environmental goals to prevent and minimize adverse environmental impact through the life cycle of our products and services
  • 保持经营方针, programs and resources in place to implement our 环境可持续发展政策
  • 发展和运用最先进的科学技术, long-term and life-cycle views and integrate environmental considerations into strategic management decisions, 政策, 整个企业的流程和实践
  • Strive for an injury-free workplace through a strong health and safety program supported by high employee engagement. We will train our 员工 to conduct their activities in a safe and environmentally responsible manner
  • Work to ensure that every employee understands and is responsible for incorporating environmental considerations in their daily business activities. 我们将鼓励, recognize and reward individual and team leadership efforts to improve environmental sustainability.
  • Require our suppliers to adhere to the applicable environmental laws of the countries, 他们经营的地区和城市. 我们将鼓励 our suppliers to surpass baseline requirements where possible to reduce the environmental and social impact of their operations
  • 提供给我们的消费者, 员工, 社区, public interest groups and others with relevant and appropriate factual information about the environmental performance of our products and operations, 定期汇报我们的工作表现
  • Work with and support our 客户 and suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of our products and operations to help them achieve their sustainability goals
  • 与行业协会合作并提供支持, 客户, suppliers and other partners to raise environmental awareness among consumers
  • Systematically manage all areas of environmental risk and uncertainty, 支持预防措施
  • Be responsive to our stakeholders on environmental topics and reiterate this policy as needed

Each 皇冠控股 division is fully responsible for implementation and enforcement of this Policy in its businesses. 所有员工都必须遵守这项政策.

